Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Well, it has now been over a year since I moved back from Arizona, and once again we are experiencing the bitter cold days of Wisconsin. This transition back home has brought mixed feelings, cold obviously being one, but more so the wonder if we left too soon???

We had some family close by, but by no means were they overbearing. We had many new friends, our place was (is) great, beautiful pool, and minus me missing the seasonal changes and lack of green in the Phoenix area, this seemed to be a paradise for us. However, we are very close to our immediate families and that is what we missed most.

Guess what? People's lives didn't stop as we might have thought...Out of my four siblings one brother is now moving to Guam, another is off to college next year, another lives relatively close but has just married and is beginning his life, and my parents are very busy with my sister and her activities. To top it off, for my wife, her only sister is now married and living in Chicago. Relatively speaking we get to see everyone a good amount but considering the reason we were moving back we wonder...did we leave too soon?

Overall I think it did serve as a good choice for us and our timing to move home. My boys have gotten to spend more time with their grandparents, something I enjoyed as a child and also are getting to know their aunt and uncles more. Also another reason for the timing of our moving home was the public school system in Wisconsin compared to that of Arizona, not really even a comparison to speak of. Oh and I didn't mention this earlier, but we still own our place in Arizona so if we ever do need a break we can always go back down for a week or two, especially in March for Spring Training.