Sunday, January 18, 2009

Giant Hypocrites

This weekend we took the fam on a little getaway to escape the frigid weather. Great times were had by all, but I feel the need to comment on a situation that proved people are big hypocrites...

The hypocritical moment began just as we pulled up to the resort. Clearly the line of cars spoke for itself and we knew the wait to check in would be a good 20-30 minutes. So after dropping off my wife, the kids and I went to park the car and wait. In doing so though we noticed about 15-20 other cars blocking each other in around the front of the resort, and all with their engines running. Yes it was cold, so perhaps that is the reasoning for many, but seriously I shut the car off for 20 minutes and we had no problem staying warm in our car. Many of these people are the same people that complain about gas prices, but by far the funniest one was a car that was plastered with Save the Planet and Environmental stickers on it.