Thursday, December 9, 2010

Parking Spots

Do you circle the parking lot looking for the closest spot?

Your answer may depend on what the weather is like that particular day, but what about depending on what store you are shopping at. Yes, this in fact could be a determinate, as well as your gender!

Over the past 2 years and numerous trips to not only Home Depot but also the liquor store, I've noticed a pattern. Cars at these two types of stores (regardless of climate) were very sporadic in the parking lot, and rarely ever did I see people seek out a front spot. It was in fact more common to pick a spot that is not near others, and often times a spot which will allow you to pull through so that when you leave you do not need to back up. Interestingly enough nearly 90% of the consumers I witnessed were men, which has me even more intrigued to find out what happens in department and grocery stores where 75% of the consumers visiting there are women.

Anyone who wants to fund my experiment please let me know!