Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Replacement Refs (#MNF)

What can you say after a game like last night's Packers vs. Seahawks MNF game?

First before I begin to tear into the referee's I will say the Packers first half was abysmal, and perhaps the worst football they've played since the 80's...ouch!

Now to the point though and that was the very controversial call of a catch on a last minute play.  Dumbfounded looks, contradicting rulings and then a spiral downwards.  Questions?  You should have some!

Is Vegas considering betting lines based on which refs show up?
OR are they lobbying to keep them?

I'm kidding but in all seriousness it makes you wonder when you see a near lock bet like the Packers over the Seahawks (80%+ bets received on Pack in Vegas yesterday) take one to the chops in a last minute play.  Vegas may need to start playing a handicap to the replacement refs!

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Over the past several months, and like every other day in the news, we are inundated with drama. Political campaigning with empty promises, tornado's and heavy rains flood out towns, oils spills fill our oceans and seas, another celebrity gets arrested yet again...it gets rather annoying! So why should I embrace drama when all it does is mess with my emotions. I don't!
This is why a man (like me) enjoys things like;
  • sports (any)
  • fishing
  • hiking
  • biking
  • television (specifically ESPN)

None of this involves drama (minus of course the Brett Favre saga the past 3 years).

Some stories write themselves

Recent events of Congressmen Wiener sending illicit genitalia pictures to multiple women could write itself;

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Making a Choice!

Usually making a choice involves CHANGE in some form...and this word can be very scary for some!

In the past decade I've made such choices. Much of this has tied into personal experiences which you may not be able to relate to but scripture poses this question to us ...

In 1 Peter 3:10-12 we look at loving life and a deciding if we want to be happy;
10 For, “Whoever would love life and see good days must keep their tongue from evil and their lips from deceitful speech. 11 They must turn from evil and do good; they must seek peace and pursue it. 12 For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.”

I guess first you have to choose do you want to be happy, and then you need to determine what that means. For me it was a job that although pay and job enjoyment was high the travel and time away from my family was killing me until I made the adjustment to not travel as much. My quality of life is far greater today that it was then, and have since rebounded financially from making that choice.

Each of us is going to have something different...but first decide Do you want to be happy and follow the road to righteousness?

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Parking Spots

Do you circle the parking lot looking for the closest spot?

Your answer may depend on what the weather is like that particular day, but what about depending on what store you are shopping at. Yes, this in fact could be a determinate, as well as your gender!

Over the past 2 years and numerous trips to not only Home Depot but also the liquor store, I've noticed a pattern. Cars at these two types of stores (regardless of climate) were very sporadic in the parking lot, and rarely ever did I see people seek out a front spot. It was in fact more common to pick a spot that is not near others, and often times a spot which will allow you to pull through so that when you leave you do not need to back up. Interestingly enough nearly 90% of the consumers I witnessed were men, which has me even more intrigued to find out what happens in department and grocery stores where 75% of the consumers visiting there are women.

Anyone who wants to fund my experiment please let me know!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A penny saved is a penny earned!

Whatever happened to people that believed in this statement? Do they still exist? I hope.

What brings me to this topic is our civic duty as US citizens to submit our 2010 census. The more people that submit this easy form, the less money we're paying to have our census done for us. In addition, it helps to allocate federal funding to needed areas and identifies political boundaries so we are well represented (not that it always matters though).

A new added feature this year to stimulate competition, or accountability, is the internactive map. It allows you to see who has, or hasn't submitted their data down to the penny (ok, Township).

Check it out...TAKE 10 MAP: 2010 Census Participation Rates

Monday, March 22, 2010

Echo this voice

Mortimer Zuckerman is rich...I mean really rich. He's made his millions by being an entrepreneurial minded (in addition to a real estate tycoon, publisher and editor of major east coast magazines) so naturally he has a powerful voice...hopefully Washington can hear it!

On February 26th he published a story about Obama Needs to Focus on Housing, Not Health Reform, and if you know me you understand why this voice is so important. Although he has some potential personal gain being a billionaire real estate developer, his points are accurate and articulate why this is a far bigger issue than the creation of a NEW health care plan; "Hey Washington, fix the problems at hand first before creating more new ones!"

Thank you Mort, despite being the complete opposite of me (a ladies man and having money), we see eye-to-eye here!