Thursday, March 29, 2007


This will be the first of many posts to come, but here is some insight as to the author of the all the great posts you will be reading...

Before settling down and having a family of my own I did travel the globe more than most get to do in a lifetime. From the tropical vacations to the European experience...I've been a fortunate soul.

My travels in the tropics were pre-determined as I have a mother who absolutely adores Hawaii and the tropical island lifestyle. For those that know my parents, know a thing or two about the extravagant Luau's they have hosted for the past 30 years. I must have seen Elvis in Blue Hawaii about 50 times and yet still love every minute of it! I guess this is also what spurred on two separate cruises not too long ago to the US Virgin Islands with the entire extended family.
Well little did I know there was another who liked to travel as much as I did out there, and that is my wife. After touring Europe together and with some of her family, I found great desire to return and study abroad. My studies in England were filled with a unique experience of living with a family in the northwest of London. Then it was on to Ireland, home to Guinness and U2, but I'll save this for yet another time as it is truly deserves its own blog. Not to be left out was the destination of my wedding, and really my wife's second home, Puerto Vallerta. These travels along with the abundance of domestic travel around the US, visiting state and national parks and other historic sites have provided me with some great educational experiences to share with my children…and perhaps someday grandchildren!

What stories will you create in your life?

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