Monday, March 24, 2008


As I drove to my office today, which although located on the shores of Lake Michigan offers no view of the water, I pondered the attraction for water. Why do we want ocean views or lake property, what does it offer us that land doesn't it? Sure, its beautiful, just look at the pictures of any of your vacations but I think it's deeper. See if you can follow along with my theory on this (its pretty deep).

Before we are even born we are surrounded by water, ok amniotic fluid, but essentially its water. In our mothers stomachs despite the kicks and jabs we give her we are pretty peaceful and really have little to worry about.

So why water gives us this overwhelming sense of peace and tranquility has to do with the feelings we experienced as an embryo. Do you see the correlation I am making? If you do you then also see why an embryo is a child...yes (had to plug the pro life stance)!

Another strong and obvious reason we may strive for water is the life line it provides. Your body is comprised of mostly water, making up between 45 and 75% of body weight. So the theory that we are attracted to water as a means to fulfill what the body may be innately wanting is also not so far fetched.

Whatever the reason I am not sure but the amazing attributes it provides to me controls many of my emotions. For example, look at still bath water in a tub and tell me how it makes you feel? Now splash or have someone constantly splash the bath how do you feel? Not the same, right...pretty wild. That is the physical presence of any water, now add color to the water and you add a whole new dimension to water. Why does the blue/green ocean in Guam where Joe and Brenda live conjure up thoughts of peace, tranquility, and stability. Perhaps because it is not the norm and away from our day to day routine (yet another theory in itself), but it actually has more to do with the psychology of colors instead. Can you tell I need a vacation to somewhere warm with water?

Picture of pathway entering Ritidian Beach (Guam) - courtesy of JosePH and Brenda

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Sping? Not in Wisconsin

Well today declares the first day of the Spring. The sounds of birds chirping and new activity outside was mostly covered by my chattering teeth. Check out our lovely forecast for Easter weekend.

mid 20's to low 30's, chance of snow 70%, accumulation 1-3 inches.

30% chance of snow showers in the morning, mid 20's to low 30's

mid 20's to low 30's, 30% chance of snow showers

This is insane. I am now jealous of my brother Joe living in Guam, my cousin Scott who is currently vacationing in the Dominican Republic, my cousin Jeffery who is debating on moving back to Wisconsin from beautiful California, and the rest of my family and friends in warmer more pleasant Spring-like areas. When will this all end?

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

March Madness

With the 2008 Brackets out in full circulation, Vegas can finally breathe a sigh of relief after ending the Super Bowl with a major upset. Now is the time when the house wins, or does it???

Here is a few quick facts to consider when completing you brackets:
1. Since the beginning of the seeding process, only 9 teams have entered the tournament ranked #1 in at least 1 poll and gone on to win the tournament (only 6 more are added to that total before the seeding system in place today).

2. A #1 seed has never lost in the first round to a #16 seed, yet two #8 seeds have reached the championship game, one of which one (Villanova-85).

3. In 1993 Arizona was seeded #2 and was one of only four seeds ever to be beaten by a #15 seed (Santa Clara), but not to be plagued by that label they came back and in 1997 as a #4 seed and beat three #1 seeds (Kentucky, Minnesota, North Carolina) to win the overall title!

Generally speaking though, since the current seeding system began in 1985 the percentages are that the higher the rank the better the odds;
#1 seed has beaten the #16 seed 100% of the time
#2 seed has beaten the #15 seed 96% of the time
#3 seed has beaten the #14 seed 84% of the time
#4 seed has beaten the #13 seed 80% of the time
#5 seed has beaten the #12 seed 68% of the time
#6 seed has beaten the #11 seed 68% of the time
#7 seed has beaten the #10 seed 62% of the time
#8 seed has beaten the #9 seed 46% of the time (this being the exception)

Good Luck, have fun and drink lots!!!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Playing Nice

Well it took a few months of kicks to the groin and hits below the belt but Senator Clinton and Senator Obama have agreed to play nice...Achoobullshit! Excuse me

If you honestly think Hillary is going to play nice, here's your reality check. Animosity is still festering in her about the Bill's affair, she is losing the democratic race, and she is experiencing menopause. This party is shooting itself in the foot with all the childlike bickering going on. If Obama doesn't fall into her trap he will be the nominee.

Let's not forget all three of the remaining candidates (McCain, Clinton and Obama) are all vying for "The President of the United States", which should represent the people. Who do you want to represent you?

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


As daylight savings nears (March 9th) I thought the topic of “timing” was a relative one. Is the timing of things relevant? I believe it is more so than we actually can imagine!

A couple years ago in Arizona, I was going about my usual morning routine to leave for work, but after reaching the car realized I had forgotten my glasses. So out of my car back into my house to retrieve my glasses, maybe a 2 minute delay, but nothing more than an irritation to me. While driving to work there is a long straight stretch of road and I began to see smoke in the air way ahead, apparently where a car had begun skidding. After reaching the scene of the accident it dawned on me that I was probably 1-2 minutes behind that car. Thank goodness it wasn’t a serious accident other than actually car damage, but that could have been me. What’s the likelihood of it that I would have been in it, perhaps a low one giving my stellar driving skills, but seriously it very well could have been!

I’ve always pondered the thought of how timing is so crucial and that we need to be more conscious of it. Apparently God thinks so too, as stated in John 2:4 "My time has not yet come". Isn’t he essentially timing out his return? Understanding timing and respecting it is of great importance to what our day results to…just look at these examples;

Financial: buying the stock at the critical point, locking in that interest rate…
Medicinal: consistency of your wife or girlfriend taking the pill…yes guys it’s taken at a specific time unless of course you have kids and then you know she forgot (for the record my kids were planned)…
Food: cooking a good meal or a bad one…
Occupational: the matter of a business deal going well/poor, or asking for a raise…
Romantic: meeting that special someone...
Travel: the reason I forgot my glasses…

…all due to the timing!

(This list could go on rather extensively but I run the risk teetering on the subject of fate, which is an element in itself.)

Timing is a matter of measurement so it basically determines if your timing was right on, or way off. To some degree I believe we have control of these things such as our irresponsibility that could lead to burned food, or our ignorance that could leave us at peril in stock market. However it is the things we may not have control of, like being at the wrong place at the wrong time. For these things I trust that my faith in God and my family will help in making sure I maybe don’t find myself in those predicaments…and so far I’d say that’s a pretty good notion to follow!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Confirmed: Favre Retires

It is official, the Green Bay Packers have confirmed Favre's retirement.

I won't believe it until he doesn't show up for the season opener though!!!

For Real? or yet another rumor

Now, rarely will I comment on something until I hear it from the horses mouth, in this case Brett Favre...but Senior NFL writer for Fox Sports, Jay Glazer, reports that Favre is retiring!

Well needless to say this news prompted some flashbacks to the times I've seen him play. I've actually been to three games at Lambeau and one at Paul Brown Stadium in Cincinnati. Truly awesome to watch him command the field! So after first hearing the news I went into denial and a range of questions went through my head..."it can't be, can it?" "why?" "what is he going to do now?" In all honesty I am not worried about the Packers QB position really that much because Aaron Rodgers had stepped up earlier this past season and looked good. My concern is much more with the fact that the NFL, mainly the Packers, are losing a leader, a legend, and an icon on the football field. Perhaps the town and the fans of Green Bay will be the ones more affected by this though. The fact is that he was a true class act and represented the people of Wisconsin and the fans of Green Bay in a professional way...and this is what make him a legend.

Mark my will be the water cooler talk of the decade here in Wisconsin!