Saturday, November 21, 2009


With Black Friday around the corner and all the deals putting every new toy in arms reach, my question is...what can we do without?

Answer: Everything! However now that we've had it and have become dependant on it, there's no turning back for us now.
People strive for simplicity, yet keep adding more and more to their it tangible or intangible things. WE are driven by the immediate satisfaction that "things" provide for us and we've slipped into the got to have it now, want it now, "now" mentality, and unfortunately patience is a virtue that is being lost.

In Ecclesiastes 7:8 it states; The end of a matter is better than its beginning, and patience is better than pride. Yet in this world we choose not to deal without, and so let pride take precedence over patience. Makes you think...

1 comment:

Paul said...

good insight. by the way I have begun blogging again, same site.