Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Reading between the Lines

Well, believe it or not the Democratic race is still going. Why? Despite recommendations for Hillary to throw in the towel, her stubbornness or competitiveness pushes it on. Would you have thrown in the towel if you were her? Consider these facts before answering...

1. Obama has 1,846.5 delegates to 1,696 for Clinton in The Associated Press tally. It takes 2,025 delegates to win the nomination in Denver this summer.
2. Clinton disclosed that she had loaned her campaign an additional $6.4 million in recent weeks; her original loan was for $5 million.
3. Your husbands friends support your competition. Just look at these three Bill Clinton chums/cabinet members who now back Obama; Greg Craig, Anthony Lake, Robert Reich
4. The irony of her comment this past week about betting on the filly Eight Belles at the Kentucky Derby (the only female in the group of males), and while the horse finished second she collapsed breaking two ankles only to be euthanized, and then considering the winner was Big Brown...odd?

So would you still be in? It is getting to the point where she is hurting her party, yet she doesn't seem to care. Why? Ponder this theory by one of my friends...

1st - In 1870, the 15th Amendment was ratified which gave all males over 21, regardless of race or color, the right to vote. The problem was that a segregated America at the time did not enforce this so then the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which essentially followed the 15th Amendment but provided the power to be enforced. This is typically viewed as the first time all African Americans were allowed to vote.
2nd - The first movement of women voting rights dated back to the 1820's with some small state successes, but no national recognition. That is until in 1920, when the 19th Amendment was ratified and it gave women the right to vote.
3rd - In addition in the 40's and 50's society had painted the image of the happy stay at home housewife doing everything for the family and their husband (FYI..that job is 10 times more difficult than what you do). Even today there are still reports that women are paid less than men for performing the same job.

The theory concludes that Hillary continues to fight because our founders and society has viewed women as the lowest possible ranking individual. Which then begs the question that despite her obstacles is she pushing on to prove a rank of race and/or gender? (I'm not touching that one with a 9 1/2 foot pole.)


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