Friday, June 20, 2008

Summer Solstice

Summer brings with it lots of joy, hope, promise, comfort (although uncomfortable at times too), and sanity. In Wisconsin, we've been like caged animals for 6 months out of the year and now that the weather is nice enough we are free!

There is one bad things about summer though...mosquito's. What is there purpose? They are only about 1/2 inch in size yet these blood suckers pass disease and kill millions of animals and people each year. Again, what is their purpose. The females are actually the blood sucker (surprise), but before biting and irritating us they inject saliva that ultimately helps to give us that nice looking itch red bump.

So, since I can't answer as to where these bloodsucking demons of life are here, I can tell you their natural predator is the Dragonfly. Needless to say my idea to make millions is through harvesting dragonflies, which I intend to begin this week.....muuhhhaaa!

...and by the way we are supposed to have record numbers of these fuckers all summer long! You can purchase Dragonfly's by coming to my home with large sums of cash!!!

1 comment:

Paul said...

I'll take 300 please.