Friday, February 29, 2008

Following Passion

What does it mean to be passionate? I think my cousin Jeff sums it up pretty good in his blog Passion=Truth. I wanted to take this time to educate you about another man who followed his passion and through it accomplished great things.

This man, John Muir, was a great visionary and also happened to be Wisconsin raised and educated individual. He is what some might refer to as a trail blazer! Blazing the trail has been a term used for the first man out ahead of the group making tracks for the rest to follow…and in my opinion this is he! He was an adventurer, conservationist, naturalist, but perhaps his most important role was his passion as a writer of God’s beautiful country…for it is what got him recognized by President Theodore Roosevelt. Today Teddy Roosevelt is credited with the designation of 150 National Forests, the first 51 Federal Bird Reservations, 5 National Parks, the first 18 National Monuments, the first 4 National Game Preserves, and the first 21 Reclamation Projects. Now Teddy does deserve this credit since he did implement the whole process in his role as president, but every match needs a spark and that spark in my opinion was John Muir.

Following your passion can present opportunities not yet seen by us, but through the hand of God it will become evident that this passionate quest was worth it!

Tunnel View by Ansel Adams at Yosemite


Paul said...

Awesome! To be in nature is to be surrounded by God's creation. It is amazingly humbling to know that He made it all and still loves us so strongly that He willingly died for us. It really displays the dignity we each have in this world, whether or not society agrees. Pope John Paul II was a huge outdoors men, I believe he has some books out pertaining to his growing up with nature. Thought you might like. Also, call me monday, I have a surprise for the Rob and Stacie Nowak Family and it is not just that we are getting a dog...oohhhh! Intrigue, Ha! seriously call me. Peace and God Bless

Jeffrey James Ircink said...

nice post, rob. how do you do the link thing where you have Passion = Truth highlighted as opposed to i need to know this. let's converse, OK?

Jeffrey James Ircink said...

cousin the sound of the tunes on your blog, i sense you have a bit of a liking to blues?? if so, email me - got a blue song i'd like you to hear.

and i need your email.