Friday, March 14, 2008

Playing Nice

Well it took a few months of kicks to the groin and hits below the belt but Senator Clinton and Senator Obama have agreed to play nice...Achoobullshit! Excuse me

If you honestly think Hillary is going to play nice, here's your reality check. Animosity is still festering in her about the Bill's affair, she is losing the democratic race, and she is experiencing menopause. This party is shooting itself in the foot with all the childlike bickering going on. If Obama doesn't fall into her trap he will be the nominee.

Let's not forget all three of the remaining candidates (McCain, Clinton and Obama) are all vying for "The President of the United States", which should represent the people. Who do you want to represent you?


Paul said...

I thought that the whole idea behind the two party system was to work together FOR THE PEOPLE!!! What does it say that they can't even work together in their own party? Lets face it, until any of the canidates get out of the "me, me, me" mentality we are all up
@#%* creek without a paddle.

Anonymous said...

I completely agree guys. i find it funny how these democratic party candidates have fallen into the "celebrity" lifestyle. There in the news, backstabbing eachother, etc... It feels like Spears vs. Hilton II or something like that again. How in the world do I want either one of these to represent our county????I dont even like the republican candidate! Paul...I have to tell you, I think no matter what, unless Bill Cosby runs, we are up @#%* creek without a paddle.

Anonymous said...

So oddly enough to make the point of this article even more true, Reuters (polling source), states yesterday that McCain is benefiting from all this Democrat bickering...well no shit!

Joe, I'm onboard with you about Bill Cosby. He would be an awesome candidate that actually has a stance and speaks to it!