Thursday, March 20, 2008

Sping? Not in Wisconsin

Well today declares the first day of the Spring. The sounds of birds chirping and new activity outside was mostly covered by my chattering teeth. Check out our lovely forecast for Easter weekend.

mid 20's to low 30's, chance of snow 70%, accumulation 1-3 inches.

30% chance of snow showers in the morning, mid 20's to low 30's

mid 20's to low 30's, 30% chance of snow showers

This is insane. I am now jealous of my brother Joe living in Guam, my cousin Scott who is currently vacationing in the Dominican Republic, my cousin Jeffery who is debating on moving back to Wisconsin from beautiful California, and the rest of my family and friends in warmer more pleasant Spring-like areas. When will this all end?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey...I know the weather can suck at times, but it only makes us appreciate the really nice days when they come...and if you're surrounded by people you love and who love what. One always desires what one can't always have...and when one does have it, it isn't that special anymore..I've learned as I am middle age that HEALTH is the most important thing to posess (of course, God in your life and family are 1st) but when you don't feel can really suck. So, on this Easter holiday weekend, focus on our good life that God has so blessed us with and all that we have, and may He guide us into whatever direction He may have for us. We've all been able to travel to beautiful climates and enjoy some great sites and excursions...we are truly blessed. LOVE MOM XXX