Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Cadillac Desert

My return to the Cadillac Desert (Arizona) this past weekend wasn't a trip done for some R & R, instead it was a 48 hour working binge!

To take you through the roller coaster of emotions here is what happened...
Our condo, and former home, was reported trashed and unfit for anyone to move into. So after receiving this disappointing news on Thursday morning, we quickly bought 2 flights to AZ leaving that same night. We landed about 8pm, and drove straight to the condo to assess the situation. It definitely wasn't fit to move in, but was far better than I had imagined. We painted, cleaned, fixed, and got it in tip-top shape just in time for our new tenant!

As we reflected on our trip we came to a few conclusions;
  • Damn was that expensive
  • Wow, I really miss the winters in Arizona
  • It is tough being away from the kids
  • Our family is amazing*

*I need to explain how amazing our family is...First, Grandma and Grandpa took the kids cancelling whatever else they had planned. Next, we arrived to open arms (and a very tasty Pumpkin Brew) for which the Brew Master and his wife (Tia) provided room, board, a car, supplies to fix the home, and always great conversation. Finally, we enjoyed a perfect meal; from conversation, to the people we were with, and yes the food too! This potentially disastrous trip was actually rather amazing, and I don't think I could have said that had it not been for our family. So in a weird twist of events and despite the expenses accrued, I am actually happy this all happened the way it did.

Thank you!

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