Monday, December 1, 2008

Bah humbug!

First before I get to deep into this topic I need to state for the record that Alastair Sim was the best Scrooge (1951). Now to the topic at hand...bah humbug!

Is what Scrooge was saying all that bad? Perhaps some clarification is needed....was he directing his disgust toward people's general happiness to the holiday, or possibly the over indulgence or commercialization of Christmas? As a Christmas Carol devotee (viewed 50+ times) I think the message is simply to enjoy the holiday and cherish the relationships of those in your life. This is most apparent at the end of the story as Scrooge reaches out to Bob Cratchit and his family, specifically Tiny Tim.

True, Christmas has been capitalized on and the true meaning has been a little lost. So throughout this month I will create posts regarding symbolic references to Christmas. Stay tuned!

1 comment:

Jeffrey James Ircink said...

Sim IS the best "Scrooge" and anyone that argues that point is "Humbug" incarnate!

- bob cratchit