Monday, March 30, 2009

Simply the Best Athlete Ever

If you've read my blog before you'll recall me writing about this "untouchable" individual (Tiger Woods). He provied it once again this past week at the Arnold Palmer Invitational, even despite being out of mix for a while.

It's no doubt in my mind that he truly is the best athlete ever!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Stories keep the Fire Alive

Did you ever have a conversation that after you were done left you feeling exhausted? I'd be willing to bet that many of these conversations we're either negative or just went in circles!

We all try to avoid it (I hope), but how about speaking to the eternal complainer, or the drama queen, or that know-it-all. This has been such a hot topic that books have been written about the negative affects, intrinsically and extrinsically, they have had on people or company's. One in particular is by Phil Harkins that addresses how to attain that higher level of a powerful conversation, and how to avoid the bad ones. This may not always be that easy and don't get yourself fired over it but I thought what my pastor shared in our March 15th sermon resonated pretty succinctly; "Focus on keeping the fire of Christ alive in all of us through by sharing stories of goodness, love and peace."

How's that for keeping it simple!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Illegal Immigrants gain Sympathy

If something is illegal it is wrong, so if we fix the problem you would think that is a good thing right?

Not the case for Maricopa County-AZ Sheriff Joe Arpaio or his regement at "Tent City". His sting operation that captured more than 16,000 illegal immigrants over 18 months of which 20% of which were convicted felons, is now being accused that they're practices violate the civil rights of illegal aliens...huh?

Sherrif Joe is a little unorthadox, but this may just be a ploy to bring people's political agendas into the equation!

Friday, March 6, 2009

My Stock is Worth...

If you bothered trying to answer this question you probably have lost hair, weight, and are hooked on some antidepressant drugs. In addition to the added weight of decreased home values and an unstable job market, you may be belly up on the floor. Fear not though I have solutions for all...OK maybe not hair loss one as you know I struggle in this area (but you can call my cousin to get that fixed)

However did you know that antidepressants cause weight gain, decrease your sex drive, and can make you feel lazy and stupid? Gee that sounds like fun, yet this market rakes in over $15 Billion annually so obviously there's a demand for it somewhere. My alternative solution to save you money and increase your health is to instead try exercising, taking more vitamin B, and use a natural supplement like St. John's wort. It takes more work than popping a pill and isn't 100% effective, but neither is 32% success rate of drugs.