Monday, March 16, 2009

Stories keep the Fire Alive

Did you ever have a conversation that after you were done left you feeling exhausted? I'd be willing to bet that many of these conversations we're either negative or just went in circles!

We all try to avoid it (I hope), but how about speaking to the eternal complainer, or the drama queen, or that know-it-all. This has been such a hot topic that books have been written about the negative affects, intrinsically and extrinsically, they have had on people or company's. One in particular is by Phil Harkins that addresses how to attain that higher level of a powerful conversation, and how to avoid the bad ones. This may not always be that easy and don't get yourself fired over it but I thought what my pastor shared in our March 15th sermon resonated pretty succinctly; "Focus on keeping the fire of Christ alive in all of us through by sharing stories of goodness, love and peace."

How's that for keeping it simple!

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