Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Making News

So what makes it into the media today usually fits into one of two categories; bad press or good press. But, alas with the explosion of idiots everywhere enters the new category of stupid press. The latest example of this is about the anti-depressants for animals that are experiencing suicidal thoughts.

Without getting to deep into the article, the greatest point in the article is made when it has been determined that the highest rated suicidal pet is the parrot…apparently all those colors are giving that bird a bad trip.

So what to do with suicidal parrots, turn them into attack parrots. In London, England a pet store owner had an ill tempered parrot that was apparently “pet” knapped...not for long though! This macaw bit the ear of the thief leaving a blood trail for police to obtain a proper DNA match.

This culminates the article of stupid pet drugs and stupid criminals!

1 comment:

Paul said...

I agree with stupid media...Why when I turn on the National news, I mean NBC or ABC nightly news do I hear about Britney Spears and her custody battle with K-Fed? And why do they actually say "K-Fed"? I mean it is not his fricken name anyway. If I wanted to hear about this situation I would watch Jerry Springer and drick a 6-oack of Steele reserve beer. Thats my take at least...