Monday, April 14, 2008

Lucky to live in the U.S.

So I came across this article 'We are under siege' and it made me count my blessings for the country I call home. I always thank God for the blessings he has bestowed on me and my family but this is one that really made me think about how lucky we are.

The article is a journal from a family living in Zimbabwe at a time when the country is in political turmoil. It talks about the threats and fear they live with on a daily basis in this election year. The current president Mugabe has been in power since the 80's and has essentially destroyed its economy at any cost. So how does someone like this stay in power and keep threatening families like the ones in the article?

First of all the country's rate of inflation is 100,000% with an 80% unemployment rate. Is that possible? To give you an idea of how bad this is lets use the misery index, which takes unemployment rate plus the inflation rate. Now in the past 60 years the U.S. average has been about 11.25, that is nearly 4,500 times better off than the average of Zimbabwe today.

The other quite obvious point would be to control the political scene by threatening voters and rigging the elections, death has been the fate of some opposed to his ideals. This is loosing steam though as the elections right now are in re-count, which could spell the end for this 82 year old rein in Zimbabwe. We can only pray that someone, anyone will be a better leader for them than him.

So the next time you hear someone complain about their living situation in the US add this to your ammunition box and tell them how lucky they are. This is only one of thousands of stories as to why you are lucky to live in the U.S.!

Also in Zimbabwe is the beautiful Victoria Falls

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