Monday, April 28, 2008

United untied

Long gone are the days of peaceful travel, airport customer service, and luggage that actually arrives with you when you at your final destination. Yesterday (and still today) United Airlines has made certain I have had to witness this loss first hand.

My letter sent to customer service explaining the story is attached as the picture below if you care to read it...

The cliff note version: poor customer service, delayed flight, lost baggage from United

The question then becomes who is to blame?
1. Terrorists - they stole the most precious commodity from us; time.
2. Airlines - apparently they are not keeping their employees happy nor are they doing a great job of forecasting. Nearly every airline has experienced bankruptcy, or merging with others to broaden their reach and also to avoid any further financial complications
3. Employees - again unhappy might be an understatement, but these employees will soon top the USPS as the most disgruntle employees in the world
4. Overseas call centers - do I need to explain this one?
5. Travelers - true some people are idiots when it comes to travel and they do slow down the process but that only accounts for slow check-in, security checkpoint, and boarding...not my lost luggage!

In closing I will say that United Airlines, which I have traveled nearly 20,000 miles with, has continually disappointed me...yes I have now learned my lesson!

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