Monday, June 2, 2008


How many lies are you exposed to everyday? email? politicians? personal communication? I'm willing to bet more than 5 per where does this addiction to lies stem from?

I think it first stems from our parents (yes, I am to blame). As children we ask questions like "how are babies made?", or one that my friends nine year old son asked "what's a pedophile?" We don't give them the exact answer because it is too graphic so instead we sugar coat it and make up some reasoning. If we understand this is a lie, this is the introduction to a lie or an exaggeration to the truth.

Another reason people lie is to usually gain something or get out of something; acceptance, praise, acknowledgement, etc. I do believe that most of the time this is harmless, maybe you said you shot a 46 but really with that penalty stroke should have been 47. Even so there are varying degrees of lies as our politicians so evidently prove everything they speak; "landed under sniper fire", which again doesn't really harm me in any personal way but if you exaggerated and lied about this..."where does it stop?"

The lies that are really bad though lead to manipulation and hurting someone. I'll give you a personal example that happened to Stacie and I about 2 years ago from a very close friend. Stacie's best friend at the time was watching our home in Arizona while we were back home in Wisconsin visiting family. She had our home and car keys so access was pretty wide open. After returning home, we discovered about $7000 overall had been stolen (identity theft crime) via credit cards and ATM. Stacie, the investigative detective, quickly linked it to her best friend and questioned first she lied straight out to Stacie. Hung up, only to call her back later and get the truth confessed to her. OUCH! That is when lies can lead to pain.

So what's my point in all is simply to be cautious! Of what you read, what you hear, and even what you see. There is a fine line between being paranoid though too and that is no way to live your life either. My belief is to question but to also have trust and faith in your own judgement, and that there is more truth than lies in your life.

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