Friday, July 4, 2008


Happy Birthday America!!

So what prompted the Declaration of Independence? Well it was a number of events that eventually drove the wedge;
French-Indian War (1754-1763)
Sugar Act (1764)
Stamp Act (1765)
Quartering Act (1765)
Townshend Acts (1767)
Tea Act (1773)
Boston Port Act (1774)
Quebec Act (1774)

...Paul, did I miss any???

In short, this series of laws/acts listed above forced colonists to give (financial through taxes, physically their homes, land and food). It's like a bully taking your lunch money and embarrassing you in front of others, so naturally colonists became extremely frustrated (pissed off) with the British...hence the ultimate fix Declaration of Independence!

There is much more to our history so grab a book and check it out!

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