Wednesday, April 9, 2008

where amazing happens

At 26-51 the Bucks new tagline "where amazing happens" doesn't seem to fit. However, as Bucks fans we are troopers and my brother Paul and I when we went to see the Milwaukee Bucks take on the Boston Celtics last night. Ok, maybe we wanted to see Garnett, Allen, and Pierce, or it may have been the stellar seats we had(not as good as Mikey's 3rd row seats but good enough), or maybe it was the timeout entertainment, but really it simply about getting out and enjoy a sporting night out with my bro's.

Anyway back to the game...
...After watching about 3 quarters of the game, it was pretty clear to see why they only had won 26 games thus far. Turnovers galore, missed layups, masked men (Bogut), but really the ball just appeared to be everywhere but in ther hands. Apparently though in the 4th quarter they found their groove, correction Michael Redd and Bobby Simmons found it! It was a great comeback to tie and take it in to OT, but was disappointing to then lose it. To give you a fun stat though and leave on a high note, we watched a game played last night between a $75.5 and a $62.6 million dollar team - insane!!!


Paul said...

It was very fun to hang out just us two at the game Bert. I enjoyed being with my big brother. It's interesting how relationships mature and change over time and through each others life changes. It makes you realize how important mutual respect and love are cornerstones of all relationships. word.

Anonymous said...

People should read this.